Role of an SLE

Specialist Leaders of Education (SLEs) are outstanding middle and senior leaders who have the skills to support individuals or teams in similar positions in other schools. They understand what outstanding leadership practice in their area of expertise looks like and are skilled in helping other leaders to achieve it in their own context.

SLE status is a national designated through the National College for Teaching and Leadership. They are part of the strategy for building capacity for systems leadership and school to school support. SLEs can provide support by acting as system leaders, supporting individual leaders and teams in other schools by using a high level coaching or facilitation approach that draws on their knowledge and expertise in their specialist area.

In their own schools SLEs add value through

  • developing coaching and facilitation skills
  • the opportunity to network with peers
  • gaining experience of different school environments
  • the chance to learn from ideas and approaches used in other schools
  • developing skills and knowledge which can benefit their own school

The SLE is role is entering its third year. SLE’s are being deployed into a wide range of schools and leading project work across schools. Outreach work by nature is designed to be reciprocal in its value and the benefits to the SLE professional and personal developments are excellent.

“Being an SLE has got the very best out of my interpersonal skills my emotional intelligence and professional growth. It’s a privilege and a challenge to support fellow colleagues from other schools and has added a real freshness to my career”

“It has been such a privilege to be invited to other schools and work with new professionals. I learn so much on every project”.


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